Priority need
Priority need is where certain people are given priority for access to accommodation over others. The relevant law on homelessness requires housing authorities to give priority to anyone that meets the definition of “priority need“.
The content of these webpages have been provided by external legal advisors Fieldfisher and Baker McKenzie. It has been made available to St Mungo’s staff and clients to help understanding of relevant areas of the law but is not a replacement for official legal advice and we are not legal advisors. Professional legal advice should always be sought for your own individual circumstances.
In partnership with
Priority need is where certain people are given priority for access to accommodation over others. The relevant law on homelessness requires housing authorities to give priority to anyone that meets the definition of “priority need“.
Anyone in England may register and see a GP without charge. This includes: asylum seekers and refugees, overseas visitors and those who are homeless.
In England, hospitals that provide inpatient care, urgent treatment centres, and emergency departments all have a duty to refer Clients to the local authority homelessness/housing options team of their choice where they are homeless/likely to become homeless within 56 days.
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