GP Registration
Anyone in England may register and see a GP without charge. This includes: asylum seekers and refugees, overseas visitors and those who are homeless.
Health and Social Care
Health and Social Care Quick links Introduction This toolkit is intended to be used by St Mungo’s caseworkers to assist their clients accessing, and making most effective use of health and social care services.The toolkit is divided into four sections, namely: 1. The issues to consider when seeking access to GP Services, including: a. what […]
Hospital discharge (physical illness)
In England, hospitals that provide inpatient care, urgent treatment centres, and emergency departments all have a duty to refer Clients to the local authority homelessness/housing options team of their choice where they are homeless/likely to become homeless within 56 days.
Mental capacity assessments
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the “Act”) aims to protect and empower vulnerable people who may lack the mental capacity to make some decisions. The Act applies to everyone working in health care, social care and other sectors who are involved in the support and treatment of people.
NHS and Community Care Act 1990
As it stands, there is no legal definitions for “social care” or “healthcare”. The NHS however produces guidance in an attempt to distinguish healthcare from social care.